Do’s August

What to do in the garden for August

  • Prune and spray Roses later this month
  • Plant new bare rooted Roses (soak in seaweed solution before planting)
  • Plant summer and autumn flowering bulbs
  • Winter flowering shrubs can be pruned now
  • Prune and feed Daphne after flowering
  • Prune Crepe Myrtle, which flowers on new wood
  • Cut ornamental grass clumps to the ground
  • Perennials may be divided as the weather warms up
  • Prune Jasmines and summer flowering Clematis
  • Prune Hydrangeas to two strong buds
  • Spray Peaches and nectarines for leaf curl
  • Plant Onion seedlings, Asparagus crowns & Spinach seedlings
  • Check herbs for dividing and replanting
  • Prepare vegetable beds for spring planting